The #1 Tool Every Kartra User Must Have - Tools for Kartra

If you are using Kartra, there’s one tool that you need on your extension bar that is going to make your life so much easier. KCSG’s Tools for Kartra. Brian Katzung is the genius behind Tools for Kartra (TFK) and has created an amazing plugin and add ons to “push Kartra beyond its normal capabilities”.

I’ve been an agency user since Tools for Kartra was announced and use it every day in my own account and for clients.

KCGS Tools for Kartra - a Google Chrome browser plugin

Tools for Kartra (TFK) is offered in three different levels. Free, Pro, and Agency.
Free - For everyone. Seriously. Every Kartra users needs this.
Pro - For your own account.
Agency - For your account + ones you manage/work in for others.

Any Tools for Kartra level will work with any Kartra subscription level.

Here are just a few of my favorite features of Tools for Kartra:

  • Informative Tab Titles - Before Tools for Kartra all tabs read “Kartra” while in the “Backend”. With Tools for Kartra they are descriptive, making finding pages easier and quicker. Included in Free/Pro/Agency.

  • Built In Bookmarks - Faster navigation between commonly used pages.  Included in Free/Pro/Agency.

KSCG Tools for Kartra
  • Click-To-Edit Text and Headlines - Before Tools for Kartra - you would need to click on the “T” to edit text/headlines, to start the edit process. With TFK you can click right into the text or headline component and being editing. Included in Free/Pro/Agency.

  • ⭐️ Custom Color Palettes With Text Editor - Before Tools for Kartra your custom palettes would only “stick” for components and backgrounds, NOT text (and in some other places). With Tools for Kartra, your color palette shows up wherever you would want a color option. Because no one wants to go find that hex code over and over and over again. Included in Free/Pro/Agency.

KSCG Tools for Kartra
  • ⭐️One Click Toggle Full Width - Edge-to-edge styling in Kartra is only available with select templates. Tools for Kartra has a one click option to expand to the full column width. AMAZING. Only in Pro/Agency.

KSCG Tools for Kartra
  • Floating Text Editor Tool Bar - if you’ve ever created a long page, and noticed the very annoying feature that the text editor tool bar floats to the top OF THE PAGE and been highly annoyed by it- then you know what I’m talking about. This feature “sticks” the text editor tool bar so that it’s always on screen and nearby. Included in Free/Pro/Agency.

  • ⭐️Default Fonts and Editor Fonts- I’m quite sure everyone heard me doing a happy dance when this was introduced. I might have cried. Tools for Kartra lets you set CUSTOM and Default Kartra Fonts for Pages and Memberships. HELLO HIGHLY CUSTOMIZED SHARP LOOKING PAGES AND MEMBERSHIPS! This might be my favorite feature. Use the simple font selector tool, copy the code, paste it in the custom styles area, and apply that code to all pages. VOILA. Couldn’t be easier. Included in Pro/Agency (available as a paid add-on to Free).

    • Default Fonts - Applied based on styles, like paragraphs and headlines

    • Editor Fonts - Applied to selections in the text editor

KSCG Tools for Kartra Default Fonts

⭐️Auto Reverse Columns - You know when you make a page and you have it designed in rows of columns alternating - Image-then-text, then below it text-then-image. Looks great on desktop - On mobile it translates to one vertical row of image - text- text- image, which is likely not what you intended. This easy adjustment allows you to choose what columns to reverse so your mobile experience can appear Image - text - image - text. Only in Pro/Agency.

⭐️Membership Wide Global Code - If you are using custom code blocks in  your membership - you know that adding code needs to be applied to Tools for Kartra’s Global Code feature allows you to update/add/change code in the code block without visiting each post and changing the code block manually. Only in Pro/Agency.

⭐️NEW - Membership Indexing (A sub feature of Membership Wide Global Code)- Did you know that Kartra’s membership search feature only searches the post title and NOT the content of the post - Tools for Kartra to the rescue. Membership Indexing scans the posts in your membership and collects the keyword terms you’ve added to a hidden section of code. Tools for Kartra will generate a clickable “index” or directory within your membership of keyword terms alphabetically. Making your content easily findable for your users, enhancing their user experience. Only in Pro/Agency.

* this one requires a little more setup as you’ll need to add the keyword terms to each post.


I’ve had a Tools for Kartra Agency-level account for years now, and will continue to support Brian and Tools for Kartra. His tools make my job fun, my client-facing work better, more customized, and allows me to push the boundaries of Kartra.

Get Started Today:

  • Get The Free Version - for Chrome

    • Add Default Fonts & Editor Fonts - Add to Free $39 (one time) For Default Fonts // $79 (one time) for Default Fonts + Editor Fonts Bundle- SINGLE entity access

  • ⭐️Get Pro - $149/Year or $15/Month (Pro level contains some features that cannot be used on client accounts.)

  • ⭐️Get Agency - $599/Year or $59/Month Everything in Pro + rights to use on client sites + your own. (One license is good for all the seats in your agency!!)

AND there’s a 7-day-money-back guarantee - so there’s literally nothing to lose. Think of all the TIME and click savings you’ll gain with this one amazing asset in your extension bar.

I used Kartra before Tools for Kartra, and am SOO thrilled everytime I get to use Tools for Kartra.

This article contains affiliated links. If you click through and purchase, I will make a little jingle at no cost to you.


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